As you know, I don't ordinarily use my Spirit & Life newsletter to "talk business". But there is a crisis situation in Portugal that I feel compelled to address and bring you up to date.
To put it bluntly, the situation in Catholic, pro-life Portugal is desperate.
Anti-life zealots are working round the clock to force abortion on the people of this small country. That's because Portugal — along with Ireland, Poland and Malta — has the strongest pro-life laws in Europe. But the newly elected Socialist and decidedly pro-abortion Parliament seeks to change that. That body passed a bill that would legalize abortion-on-demand during the first ten weeks of pregnancy. But they fear a backlash from the people. So the cowards decided to put the measure in the people's hands in a referendum knowing that the world's powerful and well-financed abortion industry would unleash its anti-life propaganda machine and try to bludgeon the people into submission. And that is precisely what is happening.
This is the same tactic the abortionists tried in 1998. That's when the heralds of the culture of death first attempted to overturn Portugal's pro-life laws. At that time Fr. Paul Marx, HLI's Founder, flew to Portugal and helped rally the people of life to defeat the referendum.
Now, eight years later, the abortionists are back. And once again Portugal is looking to HLI to help them defeat another referendum on abortion. Like Fr. Marx before me, I have promised them that HLI will come to their aid and do all it can to help keep Portugal one of the last bastions of pro-life Catholicism in Europe.
Portugal President Aníbal Cavaco Silva has set Sunday February 11 — the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes — as the date for the vote. That's just a few short weeks from today and gives us precious little time to mobilize the people and convince them to reject the abortion lie.
Joseph Meaney, HLI's Director of International Coordination, will be on the ground in Portugal soon. He is working closely with our contacts there, Goncalo and Sofia Correa. The Correas are leading the Missao Vida pro-life campaign. Together they have put together a master plan designed to inform the people of what is at stake and remind them of the fact that it is Portugal's strong pro-life convictions that have enabled the country to remain true to their Catholic roots.
Three key elements of the campaign are:
- television and billboard ads
- personal appeals on TV from bishops, pro-life experts and women victimized by abortion
- a nationwide prayer campaign that various Fatima groups are helping to promote
HLI is committed to providing as much financial support for this campaign as we can… as well as our expertise in strategizing, materials, and research. In addition, Joseph is working with HLI's worldwide network of pro-life missionaries to enlist their help for the people of Portugal. He's already done much in this area and will do even more once he gets to Portugal.
What I need from you today are two things:
- A special contribution so HLI can finance our rescue mission in Portugal.
- Your fervent Rosaries and prayers offered from now till the vote takes place on February 11.
To help fund this emergency project, just click here and follow the instructions. On behalf of the people of Portugal — and especially those innocent babies whose lives you will help save — thank you.
Before I end this special issue of Spirit & Life, I want to remind you of a promise Our Lady made to the children of Fatima when she appeared to them in 1917. During one of her apparitions she told the children that Portugal would never lose the Faith. I know our Blessed Mother will keep her word. But I am also certain that she is looking to us — the people of life — to work hard and make the sacrifices necessary so she can fulfill her promise. Let's not let her down. Thank you again… and God bless you.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer
President, Human Life International