As House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), a pro-abortion legislator who claims the Catholic faith, prepares to celebrate her new role, American Life League is imploring Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C. to intervene in an effort to prevent her from using the Mass for political gain. "Rep. Pelosi has been unwavering in her support for abortion and is downright defiant toward the Church's teachings on the sanctity of human life," said Judie Brown, president of American Life League. "It is shameful that Trinity College, a supposedly Catholic institution, has turned a blind eye to the heretical views Pelosi embraces."
On January 3, Rep. Pelosi is scheduled to attend Mass at Trinity College in Washington as an endorsement of her alma mater and her Catholic faith. Given Pelosi's outspoken support of abortion, Mrs. Brown has written to Archbishop Wuerl requesting that he do all in his power to stop the event. "Rep. Pelosi has a tremendous opportunity to make a difference for all human beings as the most powerful Catholic in Congress," said Brown. "Unfortunately, she continually supports the very act that destroys life rather than protects it. It is for this very reason that a Catholic institution should not condone or support her position as a legislator."
American Life League has consistently urged Catholic bishops to uphold Church teaching by denying Holy Communion to those public figures who condone the crime of abortion. "Allowing Rep. Pelosi to receive honor at a Catholic college sends mixed signals about what the Catholic Church teaches," said Brown. "The bottom line is, abortion kills a living human being created in the image and likeness of God and is therefore always wrong. Because of this truth, it is unconscionable for Rep. Pelosi to call herself a Catholic in good standing while supporting the heinous act of abortion. We are hopeful that Archbishop Wuerl will intercede in this situation and prevent Rep. Pelosi from adding to an ongoing scandal."