One Person at a Time…

Have you ever written a 17-second radio PSA public service announcement? I never did, until now.

“On Tuesday, June 17, at 12 Noon, at Bridgeport, CT's U.S. District Courthouse, Operation Outcry: Silent No More holds a pro-life rally about an historic event involving Norma McCorvey, former “Jane Roe” of “Roe v. Wade.” It is a time for healing for women who regret their abortions, and women who have not had abortions are welcome for support.”

To ensure the success of God’s mission for this, I cannot say more, EXCEPT Come if you lovingly respect all life.

The main rally with Norma is in Dallas, TX, but there are similar rallies across the U.S. during the week of June 16. To come to Dallas, register at Operation Outcry: Silent No More. There is no cost.

You may obtain your State Leader’s information and find out when/where the rally is in your area through this website by using the e-mail links.

So, if I’m already talking about the next event, what happened at our Mother's Day Weekend Memorial event in Hartford, CT?

There was no press and I was the only person who could make it, but I went anyway. I truly felt Jesus there with me, and all of you were with me in spirit through prayer. One of our ladies had just had chemo for breast cancer and understandably wasn't up to it; please pray for her. Three from NY were expected but one came down with a 103 degree fever (please pray for her too!). And a woman called days before following her pastor's reprint of my last column in the Church bulletin. She's confidentially in touch with her state leader, and Rachel's Vineyard. Please pray for all of us.

One person at a time…

I memorialized 22 aborted babies of fifteen post-abortive mothers and fathers, and on pre-recorded tape, another woman told of the after-effects

of her abortion at age 16: “My hope today is that all hearts will be opened

and softened and we will bring compassion to those who, for whatever reason, have chosen abortion. I want to help those women understand how, not only did my baby die that day, but a bit of my own soul, as well…When later pregnant with my daughter, I realized there had been, in my first pregnancy, a life, a real little person with fingers and toes. It was then that I felt anger for not being told the truth thirty years ago. I felt the sadness for my loss and a hopelessness of never being able to be forgiven for what I did to my child. Finally I had come to acknowledge the life and death of my first child, and this was the beginning of my healing process.”

Two policemen came up beforehand and asked some questions. One nicely tried to refute the breast cancer risk, saying that it was as common for women in their 20s-30s as in their 40s. I did not think that was true, but said that if it is becoming true, then it is probably due to the fact that two out of every five women HE HIMSELF KNEW had experienced an abortion (his eyebrows went up at that), thus doubling their risk of breast cancer. Many things I said, about the 22 years of denial I endured, about the many women speaking in January and signing affidavits, clearly surprised him. It was all news to him.

Four people passed by as I placed red roses in the basket and read our babies’ names. One African-American woman just stopped, listened and

stared. She could read my signs. She knew what I was saying, without hearing the entire talk.

One man, taking a break next to his truck in the park below me, could hear every word over the sound system.

I pray that all those passersby heard even one thing that they will share with another person for their good, and then they too will impact another's life, and so on, reaching those whom it is meant to reach.

It will be in God's time. Even though no one showed, the Memorial helped at least one woman I know of. One person at a time…

© Copyright 2003 Annie Banno

(Annie Banno is the Connecticut State Leader of Operation Outcry: Silent No More. To contact her or sign up to receive her free newsletter, e-mail [email protected].)

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