The Republican Party is just a bunch of angry old men.
One look at the fresh, cheery face of Sarah Palin puts this myth to rest permanently.
Republicans hate women.
Have you seen how Republicans, young and old, male and female, have embraced Sarah Palin’s candidacy? Did you hear the cheers for her speech? Did you watch John McCain’s poll numbers jump when he announced his Vice Presidential pick? The world can now see without any doubt, Republicans love women.
Republicans just want to keep women barefoot and pregnant.
Sarah Palin has certainly celebrated life with the joy of having five beautiful children. But have you taken a look at those gorgeous high heels she wears?
Republicans are boring.
Did you hear Sarah Palin tell America how she listed the governor’s luxury jet on eBay? Face it, half her speech at the Republican National Convention had the audience either laughing or cheering. My completely apolitical daughters have been re-playing our video of Governor Palin’s speech, whooping and hollering as she talks.
Republicans ruin everything they touch.
In less than two years as governor, Sarah Palin has done such a fabulous job with Alaska’s budget that she was able to return over $1,000 to every man, woman and child in the state. She also has the highest approval rating of any governor in the country. Hers is definitely a success story.
Pro-Lifers are all a bunch of hypocrites. If they ever had to face a problem pregnancy, they’d be the first in line at Planned Parenthood.
I can’t tell you how often I’ve seen this theme reflected in fictional short stories and novels. It’s a scurrilous stereotype, and Governor Sarah Palin is the most famous person to show the world what a lie it is. She has now faced two pregnancies that the world would call “problems,” and in this pro-choice world of ours, she has chosen life. She may have experienced fear, who knows? Many of us would have. But Sarah Palin has embraced both her Downs Syndrome baby and her 17-year old daughter with unconditional love. There is no hypocrisy here; rather, pro-life Sarah Palin has shown us all that love will conquer and that life is the best choice.
Having a special needs child will ruin your life.
Sarah Palin has just become the most famous mother of a Down Syndrome child, and the second woman to run for Vice President of the United States on a major ticket. Her life was not ruined by her baby. In fact, she will tell you that her life has been enhanced and blessed by this precious little boy. Further, you can see how much her husband and their older children love this baby. How many lives will Sarah Palin and her son Trig save because of the gracious, joyful example this family is setting?
Sarah Palin may go on to bust many more myths before she fades from public life. In the meantime, she has destroyed a lot of false and demeaning stereotypes. On behalf of my four daughters, I am so glad that this strong, pro-life woman has taken our country by storm.