If you knew you were dying what would you say in your last lecture?
For some, this is not a hypothetical question. What got me to thinking about this was a video I first saw thanks to Brad Isaac at Achieve-It. It's about a young man who has very little time to live and is making his last public lecture.
So, if I had one lecture to give, I would say:
- God is good.
- God has a wonderful, individualized plan for every person on the planet (this includes you).
- Today's troubles are the building blocks for tomorrow's triumphs.
- Value relationships above all else.
- Find out where you can make the most difference and keep devoting more and more of your time to that.
- You get to decide how to respond to every situation. Choose to respond well.
- God is good.
So, here's your chance, what would you say? I plan to feature the best ones in an upcoming post.
See also
(For more posts like this one, visit my blog, Tech Rest – Enjoying technology and finding rest in a restless world)