My Last Lecture

Almostmidnight If you knew you were dying what would you say in your last lecture?

For some, this is not a hypothetical question. What got me to thinking about this was a video I first saw thanks to Brad Isaac at Achieve-It. It's about a young man who has very little time to live and is making his last public lecture.

So, if I had one lecture to give, I would say:

  1. God is good.
  2. God has a wonderful, individualized plan for every person on the planet (this includes you).
  3. Today's troubles are the building blocks for tomorrow's triumphs.
  4. Value relationships above all else.
  5. Find out where you can make the most difference and keep devoting more and more of your time to that.
  6. You get to decide how to respond to every situation. Choose to respond well.
  7. God is good.

So, here's your chance, what would you say? I plan to feature the best ones in an upcoming post.

See also

(For more posts like this one, visit my blog, Tech Rest – Enjoying technology and finding rest in a restless world)

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