Mayor Bloomberg: Planned Parenthood’s White Knight

Listen to Dr. Paul Kengor’s commentary here: Mayor Bloomberg

It’s hard to say who’s the worst mayor in America, though I can certainly name one of the most disappointing: It’s New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

This isn’t the place to list every objection I might have to Mayor Bloomberg’s policies, but most notable is his unwavering stance in favor of abortion. Making it worse is that Bloomberg is a high-profile member of the Republican Party, which has become the pro-life party in America. Bloomberg flies in the face of that trend. He’s a throwback to the days of the liberal/Northeastern, so-called “Rockefeller Republican.” He’s a progressive Republican.

Bloomberg’s latest outrageous overture to the pro-abortion cause came when he stoically stepped forward to send a big, fact personal check to Planned Parenthood. Republican governors and legislatures nationwide have been reducing or ending taxpayer subsidies to Planned Parenthood. This has been a truly blessed development that has placed Margaret Sanger’s organization on the ropes. Apparently, there’s only so-much direct revenue available from killing unborn babies. To stay alive, poor Planned Parenthood needs those desperate taxpayer subsidies that Democrats have faithfully provided. There’s only so much blood money.

Apparently chagrined by Planned Parenthood’s hard-times, Mayor Michael Bloomberg has generously written a personal check for $250,000 to the nation’s largest abortion provider, which, as everyone knows, kills a far higher percentage of unborn black children than unborn white children. Those children are what racial-eugenicist Margaret Sanger referred to as “human weeds.”

Naturally, you won’t read that in the New York Times. Quite the contrary, the Times was elated with what it termed Bloomberg’s “generosity.” The Times’ headline rejoiced: “With Fine Timing, Bloomberg Makes a Financial Pledge That Excites and Engages.” The mayor’s pledge, celebrated the Times, was rejuvenating; it was Bloomberg’s “biggest political coup in years.” The gesture may have even got the mayor re-elected.

The Times was beside itself with joy. Planned Parenthood—propped up by the good mayor.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, New York Republican. He’s doing his part to help keep America’s premier abortion business in business.

For Catholic Exchange dot com and Ave Maria Radio, I’m Paul Kengor.

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Dr. Paul Kengor is professor of political science at Grove City College and executive director of The Center for Vision & Values. His books include “The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism” and “Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century.”

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