Marie Collins Testifies to Abuse in Rome

Trying to save the institution from scandal has caused the greatest of all scandals and has perpetuated the harm of the abuse and destroyed the faith of many victims.

I feel the best of my life began fifteen years ago when my abuser was brought to justice. During those years I have worked with my diocese and the wider Catholic Church in Ireland to improve their child protection policies. I have used those years to become involved in working for justice for survivors and spoken out for better understanding of child abuse and for the improved protection of children. My life is no longer a wasteland. I feel it has meaning and worth.

This is why I speak here today with Baroness Hollins. I hope what we have said will be of value to you in understanding the victims of this awful crime. Thank you for being open to listen to our presentation today.


On the website of the Vatican, the web page with links to the main texts and documents on the subject:

> Abuse of minors. The Church’s response

Used by permission of Sandro Magister’s Chiesa.

Pages: 1 2 3 4


Victim of sexual abuse who gave the first testimony at an official function of the Church as to the scandal. In 2012, no less.

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