March For Life, 2010: The Year Abortion Politics Shifted in Canada

This year’s March for Life, on May 13th, attracted approximately 12,500 participants from across Ontario and around the country. That’s an increase of about 500 people from last year. It was a beautiful day as families and young people converged on Parliament Hill to witness to the sanctity and dignity of unborn life.  Every year, I sense the momentum is really building, and every year we see more and more young people who are on fire for the most critical civil rights struggle of our time.  The pro-abort establishment wants to convince Canadians that the “debate is over”. We constantly hear that pathetic refrain again and again from our opponents, even though the stark reality in so many areas says the exact opposite.  Still, the massive delusion on their part only helps us, not them.  Because if they are not dealing in the real world, the reality that keeps abortion legal today is the same reality that expunges it tomorrow.

The fact is, however, that we never really had a debate — at least not informed debate — on how abortion is the greatest exploiter of women and destroyer of families in Canada.  And yet, amazingly, the media and the pro-abort gurus in this country simply refuse to allow the debate to rise to a mature level. They foolishly dismiss the growing chorus of Canadians who are demanding change in the abortion industry to allow humane laws for the treatment of defenseless babies in the womb.   But as the slogan says, women will be silent no more.  Led by the tragic witness of women who have undergone abortion and are now having the courage to speak out about its cruel and largely silent legacy, the debate about abortion is going to be had with or without the consent of the pro-abort establishment.  The story of the exploitation of women will be told.

The large swath of people who blanketed Parliament Hill listened to speeches by politicians of the Pro-Life Caucus, including Rod Bruinooge’s short appeal to support his Private Member’s Bill,  Bill C-510. The bill seeks to protect pregnant women from intimidation and pressure to have an abortion against their will.  On the official website, Bruinooge explains that the legislation is inspired by the case of Roxanne Fernando, who was murdered by her boyfriend in 2007 after she refused to abort their baby.  The fact is that Bruinooge’s Bill is aimed at protecting a visible minority — pregnant women — who are in real and immediate danger in Canada because of abusive boyfriends who don’t want to be saddled with the responsibility of raising a child.  This Bill would deter thugs from taking out their rage on pregnant women and aborting these vulnerable women and their babies.  Feminists don’t support pregnant women who want to keep their babies — that’s why they oppose tougher sentences for the thugs. It protects their so-called right to abort, even if it means other women are left unprotected by the law to maintain that “right”.

The fact is that opposing abortion in Canada is no longer a losing proposition for politicians.  Yesterday, EKOS’s latest poll showed the Conservatives have significantly increased their popular support across the country to 33.6%.  And that is after the maternal health care-abortion drama was inflicted on the country. It turns out that – EUREKA! – the Conservatives did not lose any support. In fact, their recent discovery of a backbone on this question did just the opposite, and I’m sure it surprised even them.  This is a huge political break for the pro-life movement because it shatters the myth that Conservatives can only be hurt by supporting pro-life laws.  In fact, socially liberal politicians are the not the hottest commodity today in Canada.  They are a liability.

The reality is that abortion is yesterday’s “solution” to pregnant women.   Today, the kids want real choices for unintended pregnancies — ones that provide support, encouragement, love, understanding, and tangible help.   Not the murder of innocent babies and a lifetime of suicidal thoughts and ruined lives.  And while the opposition is shrill, angry, and increasingly frustrated as their political capital keeps getting eroded away year after year as pro-lifers begin to win political victories, they show their paranoia in the things they say, making themselves appear more out of touch with the mainstream.  In fact, as I marched down the streets, the expressions on people’s faces were a little different this year.   More and more of the public is on our side.  But even of the non-supportive public, things are changing indeed.  We used to get angry or blank stares.  Today, the expressions are much more reflective and deliberating.  Even the pro-abort protestors seem somewhat more shaken in their opposition.  It looks like they are starting to believe that we are moving into the mainstream and they are moving out. And when those reactions start to happen en masse, folks, you can call for the Fat Lady and cue her because it won’t be long before she sings.

The March for Life continues.  The future is ours. The momentum is ours.  And victory shall be ours too.

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