Everyone goes through some amount of suffering and sometimes it can be unbearable. As Catholics, we might recall the suffering that Christ endured on the Cross for us, but what does that mean in relation to our suffering and how can the love and suffering of Christ help to make sense of our present pain? Author Jeff Cavins stops by the CE Podcast to discuss ways we can make sense of our suffering when we look at the Cross. We also discuss the ways the saints and ancient philosophers discussed happiness and suffering as well as what you can do to help your friends and neighbors who are undergoing great pain and suffering.
To learn more about this topic, be sure to read Jeff’s latest book, When You Suffer: Biblical Keys for Hope and Understanding.
Jeff Cavins is the author of many fine books, including Praise God and Thank Him, My Life on the Rock, and Amazing Grace for the Catholic Heart. His latest book, When You Suffer: Biblical Keys for Hope and Understanding, is available through Catholic bookstores, Servant Books, and Amazon.
You can find out more about Jeff and his books, as well as pilgrimages and speaking appearances at JeffCavins.com. He can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.