1 Jn 4:11-18 / Mk 6:45-52
This world can be a scary place to live. With terrorists blowing up buildings at random and drive-by shooters menacing the innocent, with global warming imperiling future generations and nuclear weapons in the hands of unstable regimes, with carcinogens and good cholesterol and bad cholesterol confusing and threatening us, and with our retirement accounts looking pathetically small, the temptation to give in to fear is powerful indeed.
What, if anything, is there to prevent us from succumbing to paralyzing fear? One thing only, and that is absolute and total confidence that the Lord walks at our side at all times and never wanders away. If we listen carefully in our moments of uncertainty, we can hear him speak to us as he did to the apostles in today’s gospel, “Get hold of yourself. It is I. Do not be afraid.”
If we trust in the Lord’s loving presence at our side, we will find that we have both the confidence and the energy to live wholeheartedly in the now and to face, one at a time, the challenges that life inevitably brings our way. And we’ll even enjoy the process.
The Lord has promised that with each new day he will give us whatever we need for that day. Trust his promise and his sun will shine on you every day.