Join A Private Tour of the Vatican Library and Secret Archives

This Fall, Monsignor Chuck Kosanke, President of the American Friends of the Vatican Library will lead a group of pilgrims to Rome in celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the formation of the American Friends of the Vatican Apostolic Library. Pilgrims will enjoy exclusive opportunities like a private visit to the Vatican Library, the Secret Archives and the Sistine Chapel.

Each of these tours will be conducted after hours, when the museums are closed to the public. You avoid the long lines and have the opportunity to take it all in without the distraction of hundreds of other groups and guides and tour leaders trying to talk over your guide.

The Secret Archives and Vatican Library are never open to the public so participants have a rare opportunity. Participants will visit and learn about the Church's tremendous history through its treasured and important documents.

The American Friends of the Vatican Library, similar to many friends groups of cultural institutions, was formed to provide funds for the publication of scholarship, special projects, and other needs beyond the operational budget of the Apostolic Library. Member patrons can enjoy special privileges and private visits to the Vatican Library.

Two American librarians, Monsignor Francis X. Canfield and Sr. Claudia Carlen, I.H.M, founded the organization, the first auxiliary group of its kind for the Vatican Library. The group was formally recognized by Pope John Paul II who expressed his gratitude and encouraged the Friends to promote the library.

The support of the American Friends for the Vatican Library has been used for several major and important Vatican Library projects, including renovation of the lighting in the Manuscript Reading Room, a Manuscript Depository, computers, Incunabula Catalog project, the establishment of a Prefect’s Archives, and the annual publication of several scholarly studies. The American Friends also played a role in the retrospective conversion of the card catalog of the Vatican Library.

The price for this tour is only $2399, which include a four-star central hotel and airfare from Detroit. Please call 800-727-1999, extension 121, for more information and for flight details from another city. Also, please click here to review the Corporate Travel Service Brochure.

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