Homosexual Indoctrination Booklets Distributed in Chilean Schools, Funded by Spanish Province

Homosexualist indoctrination booklets are being distributed to Chilean students with help from the socialist Spanish province of Extremadura, LifeSiteNews has learned.

The booklet, which was created by Chilean Movement of Sexual Minorities (Movimiento Chileneo de Minorías Sexuales – MOVILH), is called “Education in Diversity: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Classroom.”

Among many other points of homosexualist ideology, the booklet teaches students that it is a “myth” that homosexuality is a sin.

“Sin is a religious concept that is usually based on the Bible, a text that doesn’t conclude anything about [homosexuality],” the booklet states on page 18.

In reality, the Bible condemns homosexual behavior or “sodomy” numerous times, in both the Old and New Testaments.

The booklet also contradicts the results of numerous peer-reviewed studies that show that homosexual men are highly promiscuous on average, denying that “homosexuals and transsexuals are more erotic, sexualized, and promiscuous than other people.”

In fact, homosexuals have many more sexual partners than heterosexuals on average, some having hundreds of sexual encounters with different people every year.

Among other statements contradicted by evidence in the scientific literature is the denial that “homosexuality or transsexuality are the product of family conflicts, of the absence of maternal or paternal figures, of some sexual abuse or traumatic event” and the claim that it is untrue that “homosexuals and transsexuals have a propensity to commit crimes, especially sexual ones.”

The booklet informs the reader on page 8 that in fact a transsexual (a person who says his sexual “identity” is different than his physical sex) can at the same time be “gay”, and therefore attracted to the sex that is the opposite of his physical sex.

On page 12 of the booklet, students are shown a graph of the supposedly declining “understanding” of homosexuality historically, which begins on a high level in ancient Greece, and falls to a low level during the 12th to 17th centuries during the “Catholic Inquisition”.

On page 13 it then begins to rise again as the American Psychiatric Association and World Health Organization cease to classify homosexual orientation as a disorder.

On page 16 students are informed that “religions” that “consider homosexuality to be a sin” are “discriminatory” against homosexuals.

According to MOVILH, the booklet has already been distributed to 250 “educational establishments, the Teacher’s Association, and government authorities”.

In Spain, the blog of the conservative People’s Party in Guadalupe, Caceres, complained that “the socialist government of Extremadura is spending money to promote buggery (mariconada) in Chile”.

The article says that it “cries out to heaven” that the government of Extremadura, which is the poorest in Spain and has the most government officials per 1,000 people, is “not content with misspending its budget within its own territory” and is dedicating itself to the promotion of homosexuality in Chilean schools.

It also mentions that in 2007, the government of Extremadura used its budget to finance the publication of obscene images regarding Christianity.

After a Spanish homosexualist organization complained about the article, it was removed from the website, but a pdf version  of the page can still be found at http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2009_docs/PartidoPopulardoGudalupe.pdf

Related links:

Education in Diversity: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Classroom (Spanish)

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