Holy Week with John Dominic Crossan

(You guessed it🙂

Brought to you by Cincinnati's St. Anthony Messenger:

THIS BOOK OFFERS a prayerful guide through the last week of Jesus’ life, as Mark’s Gospel tells it. Acknowledging the Catholic understanding of inerrancy and inspiration, the authors insist that, for Mark’s Gospel, the writer selected and arranged events to show what faith in Jesus means. Mark’s readers see Jesus’ last week less as disconnected memories and more as a coherent parable designed to bolster their faith.

The authors were both fellows in the Jesus Seminar. Marcus J. Borg is Hundere Distinguished Professor of Religion and Culture at Oregon State University. He is also president of the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars and a regular columnist for Beliefnet.com. John Dominic Crossan, a Catholic, is a professor emeritus in religious studies at DePaul University in Chicago.

For the uninitiated, Crossan believes that Jesus' body was buried in a shallow grave and eaten by wild dogs at some point between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. And once again, a SAMP publication serves as a platform for the denial of the Atonement, a critical aspect of the Redemption. (But hey, if you're willing to explain the Resurrection with a pack of nasty canines, fiddling with the Redemption must seem like child's play.)

This book also argues for us to reconsider the belief that Jesus redeemed us by substitution. According to this theological misconception, Jesus substituted for us like a sacrificial lamb. God demanded payment for sin, and, in place of us, Jesus accepted the wrath of God directed at human sinfulness. His innocence substituted for our guilt.

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