Is 42:1-7 / Jn 12:1-11
Isaiah 42:3 – “…A smoldering wick he shall not quench.”
Today, how about trying a sermon in science? Light a candle. Then with your lighter still handy, blow out the candle. Now touch the flame of the lighter to the trail of smoke.
The flame should “jump” from the lighter to the candlewick.
This little sermon in science is actually a great promise to us. As Easter is drawing close to us now, we all know some people who will show up in church for their once- or twice-a-year visits.
The promise of the candle is that God has not abandoned any of these people. Indeed, the flame is still smoldering within their soul, even if it is not able to be seen as clearly as we would hope it would be.
The challenge of this Easter season, as it approaches us, is to bring that flame from our soul to the souls of those who are smoldering. We need to trust that Jesus, with the flame of His Spirit inside us, will be willing to jump from us to them. We just need to get close enough to let that happen.
Here during Holy Week, let’s take the time we need to prepare ourselves to bring that flame of faith into the hearts of those who desperately need it in our world today. And when the Lord has someone drawn near us because of the warmth of the fire of His Spirit within us, let’s open ourselves up so that the flame of faith can jump from us to those around us.
May the holiness of this week fan the flame of faith in you that you may be a firebrand burning brightly for others to see. May His Easter joy, won through His Sorrowful Passion, Fill you with a light of His glory.