Finding Love in a Life of Religious Abundance | Tyler Blanski

The contemporary Catholic Church has many converts and a great variety of conversion stories. In a way, though, the story of conversion is a universal story as each day calls to us to turn back (or conversus in Latin).  In our daily conversion, we are turning away from all else. We turn towards God whom we embrace in great love.

On today’s episode Michael is joined by Tyler Blanski, author of An Immovable Feast: How I Gave Up Spirituality for a Life of Religious Abundance.
Tyler discusses his spiritual journey from Baptist, to spiritual-but-not-religious, to High Church Anglicanism, and finally to the Catholic Church. Michael and Tyler also discuss the creative process of writing a spiritual memoir and the joy of becoming Catholic.

Other topics we discuss today:

  • The great comfort and joy found in a first confession as an adult.
  • The way God can use beauty and art to draw us closer to Him.
  • How prayer and conversion are part of a great love story.
  • The spiritual reality of prison ministry.


You can purchase An Immovable Feast through Ignatius Press, Amazon, and your local bookstore. Tyler Blanski’s past CE articles can be found here on You can also visit his personal site,

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