Even Hollywood Knows When Christian Testimony is Real, Actress Says

An actress who grew up on television says it's not hard to live out her faith in Christ in Hollywood.

Actress Lisa Whelchel is best known for her role as Blair Warner on NBC's The Facts of Life, a popular 1980s sitcom. Whelchel, who is a Catholic, said recently on James Robison's television show that people in Hollywood respect her for her outspoken faith.

In 1980 photo at right, Lisa Whelchel (L) is shown with Charlotte Rae, who played the part of housemother Edna Garrett on The Facts of Life (NBC Photo Press Dept.)

She said that about six months ago, she had a conversation with the top publicist in Hollywood who asked her if could tone down her testimony and that instead of saying God, could she perhaps refer to the “universe” or “a higher power” that has helped her through life.

“And I [told him] I don't have any experience with a 'higher power' helping me through life, but I have a lot of experience with Jesus helping me through life,” Whelchel said, “and I'd like to tell those stories because I know that's what is going to make a change in other people's lives as it has mine.”

The actress stated that Christians who have a consistent lifestyle can make a big difference in Hollywood.

“People in Hollywood have met those people who call the name of Jesus as Lord, and then go on living just like everyone else in Hollywood lives. So I think maybe they are even predisposed to that,” she said. “But you know what? People know what's real [and] they know it when it's real.”

“Just as surely as they know when it's not real, they recognize when it's real, when it's Jesus really living inside somebody — and they're affected by that,” she said.

Whelchel is married and has three children. Her family is in the middle of a year-long tour of the country by motor home.

(This article courtesy of Agape Press.)

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