I don’t write lots of political posts because everyone else is so much better at it. (Example to follow)
The background: months ago, while researching a an article on third orders, I was put in contact with Harold O. Koenig, a delightful convert, ex-episcopalian priest, and delightful third order Dominican who cheers the hearts of his facebook friends with offbeat humor and right on the mark spirituality all infused with that undercurrent of joy which Harold tells me is a Dominican charism. He formed a “Novena for the Election” facebook group, the members of which have been encouraging one another since 9/11 (56 days before the election) to pray either a daily rosary (or another prayer o/ penance comittment) with the intention of ending the Obama presidency.
Yesterday morning, the Office of Readings started us on the book of Macchabees. Grim stuff. As I read of King Antiochus’ relentless efforts to strip the Jews of all religious identity, I found myself saying, “Please Lord, don’t let this be a prophecy about the results of the election. Don’t let this happen to us, much as we might deserve it for our sins.”
Then came this morning’s message from Harold on the Novena for Election group. It was perfect on so many levels. Here it is.
The last breath before the battle.
We need to get our expectations AND our virtues in order.
Our enemy loathes freedom. In recent years he has mounted, among many assaults, an assault on the election process. SO we can reasonably expect that it WON’T be over when it’s over. It is in our enemy’s interest to make the demos (NOT the party, I mean the Δημος, the people of the polity) hold the election process in doubt and contempt. So be ready to be frustrated.
It is good to distinguish what we can control from what we cannot, and to hold the loving Will of Providence in the forefront of our minds when the dice are rolling.
We also, IMHO, should be humbly grateful for such moral clarity as we may have. Certainly to the extent we have any at all, it is by divine gift without which we would stumble about bumping into things.
There are two battles: One is being waged in polling places. The other is being waged throughout the cosmos. One is fought for control of the polity; the other for the salvation of souls. Remember which is more important.
Many of those who oppose us are struggling to do what they think to be right. We must honor that aspect of their intentions even as we deplore the error in their thinking. We must continually pray for that charity without which all virtue is empty.
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in,…” remembering that each particular soul is precious in God’s sight, and that the obligation to live evangelical lives will end neither with our victory nor with our defeat.
Whatever happens in the next day and half — and in the following weeks, the song of the chorus will not be silenced: He SHALL reign forever and ever.
All I can add is, Amen.