Rarely has the title of this blog been more apropos than today.
The recent squawking concerning Chic Fil A’s CEO comments on his belief in, and support of the traditional family is just such an event. While it was inevitable that a few of the militant gay (redundant?) community would make a typically unreasonable response to his remarks, it is completely baffling that civic leaders including the Mayor of Mob-land politics Chicago and the pseudo-Catholic governor of New York should become so venomous towards the comments. So much for free speech and free enterprise.
Declaring Chic Fil A is not in sync with “Chicago Values” is an enormous understatement. Praise the Lord they aren’t. The per-capital murder capital of the United States, institutionalized fraudulent politics and strong armed leadership just wouldn’t find a home in Christian based Chic Fil A. But the idea of threatening to keep the chain out of Chicago borders is simply incredible. Not happy to just denigrate the fantastic chicken sandwich chain, they seek to keep it from even serving the Chicagoland folks. Chairman Emanuel has declared his town off limits.
The city of government corruption capital is determined to, in the name of Chicago Values -an oxymoron of amazing proportions-keep the offensive, radical Christian firm out. Rainbow Coalition, Rev. Wright, Weather underground subversives are all, it would seem, outstanding symbols of Chicago “values”.
Not only Christian people, but now Christian businesses are being attacked. At least the lines are getting brighter. For me, I’m eatin’ mo chicken.