Duquesne Sophomore Challenges “Sexual Orientation” Harassment Charge

A student at a Catholic university in Pittsburgh is protesting the school's decision to punish him for opposing the formation of a homosexual student group on campus.

Duquesne University recently charged sophomore Ryan Miner with discrimination based on sexual orientation. Miner says he was punished for comments he made on a private website called Facebook.com after creating a group called “Against the Gay-Straight Alliance.” Miner explains what happened.

“I had written a blog, and I used not the most prudent of words but words that I felt coincided within my faith in the Catholic Church,” the student shares. “I said, 'Why do we have to tolerate the sub-human actions of people like this on campus?'”

Following his comments online, a judicial affairs panel at Duquesne found Miner guilty of “sexual orientation” harassment. As part of his punishment, he was ordered to take down his blog and write a ten-page expository essay on the pros and cons of homosexuality. Miner, who is appealing the action, believes the school is employing a double standard and can no longer claim to be a traditional or conventional Catholic institution.

“I think the essay is profoundly a bad idea because it argues on the viewpoints both for and against homosexuality,” he says, “and the last time I checked I don't recall [seeing] any viewpoints especially for homosexuality regarding my faith in the Catholic Church and God.”

Miner notes he has been contacted by several conservative legal groups, but has yet to receive a call from the American Civil Liberties Union.

(This article courtesy of Agape Press.)

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