I recently discovered Catholic Scripture Studies (CSS). I am thoroughly enjoying the lessons, and I have downloaded Ephesians, Genesis and James. I read with dismay the letters from dissatisfied users who have never contributed a penny. This prompted me to immediately donate a small amount to this very worthwhile study. I pray that you will continue to provide us with these valuable lessons. Catholic Exchange is my homepage.
Thank you and may God richly bless each of you.
Gerald Fiscus
Dear Catholic Scripture Study Staff and Friends of CE:
Some of the disgruntled should realize that God does not suspend the laws of economics for Catholic Exchange.
Thank you. We will keep you and your staff in our prayers.
James & Ann Gallegos
Dear Editors of Catholic Exchange:
I have read the MANY responses criticizing your decision on the Catholic Scripture Study program. I am simply writing to voice my support and understanding of your choices.
I often wonder why these individuals feel they have a right to complain about the possible loss of this program when it was free to begin with? NEVER, as far as I a aware (and I have utilized this site since its creation), was there ever a promise that these programs were a RIGHT to users of the website. THUS, Catholic Exchange was offering a service as an apostolate, NOT A CONTRACT! So, stop whining!!
Catholic Exchange, in my humble opinion, has fulfilled its mission and promise to evangelize the Internet with the little funding they have. It seems to me it has been solely by the grace of God that CE has been able to afford to produce these great programs up to this point. I am amazed at the high-class, up-to-date site. Just think what more CE could do with just a little bit more funding! I honestly believe that many cradle-Catholics (as well as many of our Protestant brothers and sisters) would be greatly impacted if we could only afford to reach a few more people!!
I WILL miss the weekly scripture study program. I loved the ability to learn and study under the great, orthodox, biblical minds within the American Catholic Church. However, I definitely recognize the great editors of this site can only do so much with the funding they have. We MUST trust that they are guided by the Holy Spirit in their decisions, and that they will continue to bring us a fantastic website!!
God Bless,
Patrick Hoier
Dear Mr. Hoier,
Thank you for your kind words of support. You flatter us; it is God who is really working the wonders at Catholic Exchange.
I do believe you have misunderstood the minor change we have made regarding CSS. The studies will absolutely continue being made available for free on our site. The next one is the Gospel of John, which will be released on January 1. The only change is that there will only be *two* free studies available online at any given time. Real chintzy of us, don't you think?!
Thanks again.
Tom Allen
Editor & President
Catholic Exchange
Dear Friends at Catholic Exchange,
I am so happy to have found this web site. This is my homepage and there is not a day in my life I don't look at it. My wife wishes I hadn’t found your site because she can't get me away from reading all your good material. I donate 10 dollars per month to you, but to tell you the truth, I feel as if I could never have enough money to contribute to your site. I pray God gives you all the energy you need to do the good work you are truly doing. CatholicExchange.com is helping all of us to become united in one (John 17:20-21).
Your brother in Christ,
Gary Goedde
Dear Gary,
It warmed my heart to read your note. Thank you kindly for your support and good wishes.
In Christ,
Tom Allen
Editor, CE
Dear Catholic Exchange:
I donate monthly to CatholicExchange.com. So, why do you need to stop publishing studies? How much money does Catholic Exchange require each month to continue publishing the studies? I'm not in a position to increase my giving at this point, but I can talk to at least 120 men in my Tuesday Bible study and see how many of them might be interested in signing up!
If its God's will that you continue this ministry, he'll make sure your needs are met. Let's pray about this together!
In Christ,
David Engasser
Dear Mr. Engasser,
Thank you for your note. You seem to have misunderstood our announcement. Our CSS studies will absolutely continue to be made available for free on Catholic Exchange. The next one is the Gospel of John, which will be released on January 1. The minor change we have made in our program is that there will only be *two* free studies available online at any given time, instead of all eight that we have produced.
We greatly appreciate the monthly donations you have made to our apostolate. If you would please go ahead and encourage the 120 men in your Bible study group to sign up for CSS, it would be a tremendous gesture of support for which we would be deeply grateful.
Yours in Christ,
Tom Allen
Editor & President
Catholic Exchange
Editor's Note: To contact Catholic Exchange, please refer to our Contact Us page.
Please note that all email submitted to Catholic Exchange or its authors (regarding articles published at CE) become the property of Catholic Exchange and may be published in this space. Published letters may be edited for length and clarity. Names and cities of letter writers may also be published. Email addresses of viewers will not normally be published.