Costco Replies to Numerous Complaints Regarding Fired Knight of Columbus

Costco has received numerous complaints after broke a story about a Knight of Columbus fired from Costco for denying a co-worker a hall for her same-sex wedding. (To see the story, click here.)

Although before publishing the story made repeated calls to Costco, with ample time to respond to the calls given, no response was received. In addition, calls put in to Costco’s lawyer were not returned. After the fact, Costco, of course, denied former employee David Hauser’s claim that he was discriminated against because of his involvement with denying his co-worker, lesbian Tracey Smith, access to the hall.

“The article regarding our former employee repeats a false accusation against our company,” Costco’s unsigned e-mail reply states. The e-mail claims that the reason for not disclosing their “real reason” for firing Hauser is because they honor “the confidentiality of our employee relationships.”

They add, “We can state categorically that we would never terminate any employee for reasons not directly related to his or her workplace performance or employment, and would never be influenced in that decision by any unrelated activity outside the course of employment. We cannot be more specific without violating our own confidentiality rules which protect our current and former employees.” investigated Costco for its record on family and life issues.

According to the web site, for example, “About 80 of the Fortune 500 companies have adopted benefits programs for domestic partners. 28 of those companies have plans that are open to same-sex and unmarried heterosexual couples.” Costco is included among the list of 28 companies that offer same-sex benefits to their employees.

Costco, meanwhile, has been given a “thumbs up” by America’s largest abortionist, Planned Parenthood, for its decision to sell the abortifacient “Plan B” so-called emergency contraception. Costco is listed among Planned Parenthood’s “five best places to get your birth control prescriptions filled,” according to their web site.

The unnamed Costco representative who typed the e-mail response concluded that, “In short, we believe that you can continue to shop with us in complete confidence that we do not tolerate or condone discrimination of any kind.”

Although the general principal for the store as stated may be true, the specific case involving David Hauser has caused serious questions about the validity of the company’s response to letter writers.

(This article courtesy of

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