Like any corporation
We're guided by the Board.
Their faith is Apostolic.
The Chairman is our Lord.
When we come to worship
We give God all we've got.
But with so many voices
Some say we're polyglots.
First we ask for mercy
And acknowledge all our sins.
Then we praise God's goodness
And sing the angels' hymn.
We hear the words of prophets
And sing out David's psalms.
The words disciples wrote are read
And then the gospel's balm.
We pray for all God's people.
The creed we then recite.
A tale of our God's saving deeds
And of his wondrous might.
Our gifts are then presented
Derived from grape and grain.
Again we sing God's glory
And praise his holy name.
We ask the Holy Spirit
To bless the bread and wine
That Jesus' one great sacrifice
Might pierce the veil of time.
Although we are not worthy
Our Lord we do receive
For at his word we are made whole
And granted his reprieve.
Still singing our thanksgiving
The Lord now sends us forth
To spread his holy gospel
Abroad in all the earth.
[Stephen Pohl wrote Company Business for a competition with the prompt: Worship (corporate). It's a reminder to all those "yawning at the Mass" that it's the "Boss of the Universe" Whom we are so privileged to serve. ]