Featured, Podcasts

The CE Star Wars Special with Jim Papandrea

Michael welcomes Dr. Jim Papandrea onto the CE Podcast for a lighthearted but critical examination of Star Wars just in time for the latest installment of the epic space opera franchise. With their love of theology and sci-fi, Michael and Jim discuss the Christian imagery that is used throughout the saga, while seeing where it also falls short.

Join us on a podcast far, far away for a new way to watch and enjoy Star Wars and glean some new insights into a cultural phenomenon.

Dr. Papandrea is a professor of church history and the author of From Star Wars to Superman: Christ Figures in Science Fiction and Superhero FilmsFind him at his personal website as well as his Amazon author’s page.

image: By AceOfSpades123 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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