Several Catholic theologians are stating publicly that the King of Spain can, and is even morally obligated, to refuse to give his consent to new legislation that would allow abortion on demand during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, according to the Madrid news service Religion en Libertad (Religion in Liberty).
The experts in Catholic doctrine hail from such institutions as the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, the University of Navarra, the University of San Pablo-CEU, and the diocesan seminary of Santander.
Juan Jose Valero Alvarez, Director of the Monte Corban Theological Institute and Rector of the Diocesan Seminary of Santander, told Religion en Libertad that “the King cannot sign the Abortion Law in good conscience, because it is against all morality and the limits of the natural law.”
Jose María Pardo, a theologian at the University of Navarra, says that “in my opinion, to ratify a law is to give is consent and support. He should object.”
Pablo Cervera, theologian and Coordinator of the organization Magnificat, addressed himself directly to the king: “Majesty, in virtue of your right to objection of conscience (I want to believe that you would put that first that when faced with any decision), do not sign this evil and perverse law.”
The new abortion law was recently passed by the Spanish Congress, the nation’s lower legislative body, following more than a year of massive national protests, and despite polls that indicate a majority of Spaniards are opposed to its provisions.
The law is currently being examined by the Senate, which is expected to pass it. However, King Juan Carlos, a professed Catholic, is required to sign the law to give it legal effect.
The Spanish Constitution, in Article 91, requires the king to sign any law that has been approved by the Spanish Parliament, within 15 days. However, no mechanism exists to force the king to do so.
Juan Carlos has shown his willingness in the past to sanction anti-life and anti-family legislation, including the recent creation of “homosexual marriage.”