“Question with boldness.” That is the motto of radio host and FOX News television host Glenn Beck, who says he asks questions no different than ordinary Americans – he just has an army of researchers to help him explore these questions. But what the question explores is the disturbing relationship between eugenics, Nazism, and the imposition of Obama’s health care plan upon the United States.
Like the old adage “those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it,” Beck has looked back to the past to get a glimpse of the future. Throughout the past few weeks, Beck has given considerable attention to the Obama Administration centralizing power under the Executive Branch away from Congress through the appointment of more than 31 powerful “Czars” or “special policy advisors” as the Administration prefers to call them.
Beck argues that the Obama administration’s appointment of czars unaccountable to Congress, ramming massive legislation through Congress, and especially his health-care plan, bear close resemblance to how Germany’s National Socialists consolidated overwhelming powers under the executive led by Adolf Hitler in such a way that strangled democracy in Germany.
Although many people remember the National Socialists for their brutal extermination of the Jews during World War II, Western leaders like Winston Churchill had condemned National Socialism as a regime contrary to the very root of Christian civilization and “guided by the lights of perverted science.”
The question Beck asks is, why does Obama surround himself with so many advisors to reform health-care, who do not believe all human lives have equal value?” And one of Obama’s czars believes that even after birth, a child is not yet human.
Roots of Nazi Eugenics
“They tried to figure out how much is a life worth and put a price on how much each individual is worth,” said Beck, making clear that the logical conclusion is that some lives are worth more than others.
The roots of Germany’s eugenics program, however, began in England and the United States. Beck traces its beginning with the social progressives creating laws mandating compulsory sterilization for groups which the state deemed “procreation inadvisable”: such as the destitute, criminals, and the mentally disabled, some of the most vulnerable members of society. Illinois passed the first compulsory sterilization law in 1907, and more than 30 other states would follow before the Nazis rise to power in Germany.
One of the most egregious cases of this type of human rights violation is Buck v. Bell in 1927. In that case, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes ruled that Virginia was right to sterilize Carrie Buck against her will because, “three generations of imbeciles are enough.” Buck, however, was poor but not mentally disabled. Buck’s sister Doris was also sterilized forcibly when she was hospitalized for appendicitis, but she never found out why she could not have children until 1980.
Beck said that “no one is saying that eugenics is coming” or the “master race,” but a lesson should be drawn from Germany, which descended down the dark road of perpetuating crimes against humanity once they had accepted the principle that there was “Lebensunwertes Leben” or “life unworthy of life.”
Nazi Germany: Cutting Costs By Making Judgments on Quality of Life
For Beck, the idea of “life unworthy of life” gets personal. His daughter has cerebral palsy and he tells his viewers that doctors told him that statistically she would never walk, talk, or feed herself.
“She went to college. They were wrong,” Beck says.
But Germany, which provided universal health care, began to view Germans with conditions like cerebral palsy as primarily a drain on health resources that could be allocated to healthier Germans. Beck choked up as he held a Nazi poster that featured a man with cerebral palsy and said it costs 60,000 Marks to keep him alive. Another poster said that the resources spent for one year on a mental institution could have built homes for Germans.
“What happened in Germany was that they could not afford health-care for all,” warns Beck.
Beck repeats that he does not mean to say that President Obama is building a euthanasia program, like Germany’s T4 program, which put to death around 70,000 human beings they deemed physically or mentally unfit. However, what Obama and his advisors have in common with Germany is the idea that some lives are worth more than others, and in the crisis of the Depression.
But the danger is that since Germany succumbed to National Socialism after its inflationary practices destroyed the economy in 2009, there is a real danger that the enormous national debt of the United States and its inflation of the money supply in order to stimulate the economy could lead to a similar collapse. Such a situation would create, amongst many other dire outcomes, near unavoidable rationing of healthcare.
“If there is a crisis what will they do? Whose voice will he hear?” asks Beck.
Beck says that answer lies with what President Obama himself said on the campaign trail: if one wants to know his policies, then pay attention to his advisors.
So when it comes to health-care reform: four advisors behind the effort deserve special attention: Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel, Health Reform Policy Advisor; John Holdren, Science Czar; Cass Sunstein, the Regulatory Czar; and Van Jones, the Green Jobs Czar.
Another article will detail Beck’s unusually frank and alarming revelations about Obama’s advisors – revelations made on his Fox television program that is skyrocketing in popularity and which Obama supporters are frantically attempting to shut down.