T.J. Burdick


T.J. Burdick the author of several books and articles on the Catholic faith. He writes and speaks on how to grow in holiness amongst the distractions and difficulties of the current age. When he is not spending time with his family or writing books, you can find him teaching courses on the Catholic faith through Signum Dei (signumdei.com). For more about T.J., visit his site at tjburdick.com

St. John Henry Newman’s Recipe for Perfection

The Catechetical Saints

Morality in Artificial Intelligence

The Art of Spiritual Journaling

Catholic Holiness in Less than 10 Seconds

Embracing Lady Poverty

The Inevitable Death of Social Media

Penance Through Preaching

The 7 Secret Symbols of The Rosary

The Rosary that Saved the World