Steven Jonathan Rummelsburg

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Steven Jonathan Rummelsburg is the executive director of the 7 Institutes at the Veritatis Splendor HQ project. He is a senior fellow at The American Principles Project and a senior fellow at The Cardinal Newman Society. He is on the Teacher Advisory Council at Sophia Institute Press for teachers where he has written Catholic curriculum for the past 8 years, he also serves on the advisory council for Aquinas Learning. Steven is a writer and speaker on education, culture, and the Faith.

The Catechetical Narratio

The Synod on the Family and Contraception

St. Augustine’s Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount

Misericordia: The Roots of Mercy

St. Thomas Aquinas On Christ’s Temptation

Jealousy and Judgement

Signs of Hope

12 Promises from the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Plague of Darkness

12 Sayings from St. Philip Neri