Louise Merrie

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Louise Merrie is a freelance writer on Catholic subjects. Her articles have been published in Catholic Life, Novena Magazine, and the Saint Austin Review. She is the founder of the Community of Mary, Mother of Mercy, an organization in which senior priests and Catholic laity support each other through prayer and friendship in living as disciples of Jesus.

Saint Lucy: A Light to the World & the Church

Saint Lucy: A Light to the World & the Church

To Die for Christ is not to Sacrifice One’s Youth, but to Renew It

The Lord is King, let the Earth Rejoice

The Reform of St. Francis

Praying with Friends

Anointing of the Sick: A Sacrament of Faith, Healing, and Peace

The Gift of Catholic Doctrine

The Gift of Catholic Doctrine

Praying The Stations of the Cross

A Martyred Saint's Christmastime Poetry

A Martyred Saint’s Christmastime Poetry

What it Means to Live a Real Life

What it Means to Live a Real Life