Author Offers Help in ‘Fasting’ from the Tube

A Christian author is encouraging concerned parents to keep the television off this week.

More than six million people across the U.S. are expected to turn off their televisions this week. Concerned parents, Christians, and churches are being challenged to take part in National TV-Turnoff Week, which runs Monday through Sunday, and to take part in other activities such as Bible reading, exercising, or writing a letter to a friend.

Dr. Kevin Lee is an assistant communications professor at Illinois State University. He has written Fixing Our Eyes: A Guidebook for a TV-Free Week.

“The book is designed with seven chapters — one for each day of the TV-free week,” Lee explains. “People turn off their televisions for one week, and each day they work through one short chapter which has scriptures at the end and suggested activities. At the end of that time, they determine how they're going to make changes in the way they've been interacting with television.”

Lee says Christians, spend too much downtime in front of the television. “[Like most Americans] Christians spend … an incredible amount of time watching television,” he says. “Three-and-a-half hours a day — in one short week, that's 24.5 hours. So nearly one entire calendar day every week; in a year, that's two months of time; over a lifetime, it's like ten years of television.”

“We can be making a difference for the Kingdom of God instead of just sitting in front of the television sets,” Lee says.

(This article courtesy of Agape Press.)

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