Eph 3:14-21 / Lk 12:49-53
We live in a time of an extraordinary and truly unparalleled explosion of knowledge. Not only are we learning more about almost everything under the sun, but the means of diffusing that knowledge and making it available on every corner of the earth are expanding every day. The internet gives us access to resources previously unavailable to most human beings, and every day the web sites and portals expand almost exponentially.
There’s no question about it, we know more stuff, but are we becoming more wise? To be wise means both to see things as they really are in the fullness of their complex dimensions AND then to act in a way that fits what we see. For us Christians that means seeing things through God’s eyes and responding as God would respond. We don’t do that a lot of the time.
Imagine what our families and our neighborhoods would be like if we did regularly see things through God’s eyes and then acted as God would act. What understanding and compassion we’d bring to everyone we met, and how beautifully the people around us would grow and thrive.
That’s the way that things could be. Why not make it happen!