2 Tim 2:8-15/ Mk 12:28-34
“But the word of God is not chained.”
This is another one of Paul’s letters written from prison. He himself is in chains, but he recognizes that you cannot chain the word of God.
I would have loved to see the joy on Paul’s face when he wrote those words. Here is a man physically in chains, but he knows without any doubt that his spirit can never be chained again.
All of us have chains in our lives. Some are caused by relationships, some by sin, some by our own choices, some by choices others have made for us.
There is only one set of chains I want to be bound by: the chains of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Here and here alone is true freedom: the chains of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Let no one bind me, except by the love of the chains of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Let sin not bind me; I am bound by the chains of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Let no evil block or bind me, for I am bound by the chains of the gospel of Jesus Christ.