Announcing Our Next Book: The Lord by Romano Guardini


Announcing Our Next Book: The Lord by Romano Guardini

The Lord (Week 1 of 23)

Dear Spiritual Direction Family,

Please join our Book Club as we read one of the great treasures of Catholic thought – The Lord, by Romano Guardini.

Following are the accolades from the back of my edition:

“Monsignor Guardini…has written more than just the life of Jesus. He places that life in the context of history and shows how the teachings of Jesus are related to the whole body of church doctrine and practice.” — New York Times

“This book is a masterpiece. It embodies the wealth of modern exegetical criticism opened by Protestant theologians like Karl Barth, the greatest traditions of ‘devotio modern,’ French seventeenth century thought, the great insights of the Catholic mystics, and the matured speculation of scholasticism. But above all, it is an approach to Christ through the Gospels.” — H.A. Reinhold, Commonweal

“Guardini’s book The Lord has not grown old, precisely because it still leads us to that which is essential, to that which is truly real, Jesus Christ Himself. That is why today this book still has a great mission.” — Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger [Pope Benedict XVI]

I’ve previewed the first couple of chapters, and I’m telling you – this book is rich! It is beautiful, insightful and directly applicable to our lives today. Let me just say, Chapter II: The Mother – Wow!

This book will carry us through to our Thanksgiving break – we plan to take our time so we can savor every chapter. Here is our prospective calendar:


We look forward to the discussion!!!

 NOTE: Speaking of discussions, our Comment Box has been getting slim lately – please drop a note to let us know you are there. And also, as we embark on this book, remember that our discussion is only as rich as the ComBox is full. Have you ever been involved in a book club where only one person does all the talking? Not nearly as much fun as when everyone contributes. We’d love for this online book club to be as personal as one meeting in your living room. When I designed this book club, I decided to write my posts as I would talk in my own home – this paragraph or chapter made me think of X,Y or Z. And then the discussion would go from there. The idea was that others could comment on that passage, or about something that particularly moved them in their reading – just as they do when we discuss books in person. So get in there – don’t be shy!!! We want to hear (read) your insights, your thoughts, your feelings, your resolutions!!!

Happy Reading!

Reading Assignment:

Author Preface; Part 1: Chapter I-IV

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you ever read The Lord? If so, do you have any insights you’d like to share? How would you say it compares with other writings that examine the life of Christ?

2. See the NOTE above – please drop us a note in the Comment Box to let us know you are there – and if you have any suggestions that would help our book club serve you better, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Read More:

For More Information on the Book Club:

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About Vicki Burbach

Vicki Burbach is a wife and homeschooling mother of six children ages four to sixteen years who relishes the calm inspiration of spiritual reading amidst the roller coaster of life. A passionate convert to the Faith, Vicki is an avid reader who started the book club so she could embark with like-minded bibliophiles on a spiritual journey through some of the greatest Catholic books ever written. She is author of the new book How to Read Your Way to Heaven – A Spiritual Reading Program for the Worst of Sinners, the Greatest of Saints, and Everyone in Between. You can also find her at

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