Lightning Bug Flix and Willowcreek Marketing are all aflutter about their recent release of the first two episodes of a 13-part animated series titled Bugtime Adventures. The series blends the “giant” world of humans with the tiny world of insects to deliver a captivating and entertaining message of biblical truth.
Situated at the feet of the Bible characters, the citizens of Buggelsville get caught up in the action of the “Giants” and gain the insight and inspiration needed to resolve a similar crisis in their own little world.
“The dual story line format gives kids two opportunities to 'catch' the lesson,” Bruno John, series producer and president of Lightning Bug Flix, explained in an e-mail interview with AgapePress. By paralleling the bug stories with the Bible stories, children are able to make a connection and apply Scriptural truths to their everyday lives.
“These stories, primarily pulled from the Old Testament, convey Judeo-Christian values like forgiveness, courage, humility, honesty, trust, gratitude, perseverance, and faith in a God who's plan for our lives is far better than anything we could ever accomplish on our own,” John added.
For example, the first episode, Blessing in Disguise, teaches children about the importance of forgiveness through the life of Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his own brothers. Despite various hardships, Joseph remains true to his faith and eventually finds himself in a position of authority in Egypt. It is then that he holds the power over his brothers who betrayed him and must decide between forgiveness and revenge.
Down below in Buggelsville, Antoni, the town's fix-it ant, struggles with the same decision after being humiliated by Roderick, the pesky cockroach, at the annual bug picnic. Having the craftiness of an inventor, Antoni creates a contraption intended to spring a surprise attack of revenge on Roderick. After overhearing and learning from Joseph's dilemma, Antoni's attack unfolds differently than planned.
A lesson of forgiveness is followed by a lesson of faith and courage in the second episode titled, A Giant Problem, which highlights the devoted life of David, who fights the Philistine giant, Goliath. Meanwhile, the entire town of Buggelsville is being flooded by a leaking dam. The bugs flee to higher ground as Megan, the town's teacher ant, struggles to muster up the courage to plug the hole in the dam an act that could put her life in danger. When Megan's world collides with David's world, the hesitant ant learns a life-changing lesson from the young shepherd boy.
Both episodes are now available in Christian bookstores nationwide with the third and fourth episodes set to release this fall as two new episodes follow suit every three months. Presently, 13 episodes are completed and more to be produced if demand for the series remains strong.
However, demand is not the only strength backing this new animated series. Bugtime Adventures was developed and produced by a seasoned team from the entertainment industry including John, who has been in Christian television and video distribution for over 10 years; Jeff Holder, formerly with Sony Wonder, ABC Television, and Hanna Barbera; and Willie Aames, former actor, writer, and producer of Bibleman.
“Instilling God's Word into our children at an early age will give them valuable wisdom and guidance to protect them through the coming years of being a teenager,” Aames, who narrates the series, said in a press release.
“One of our motivating factors for creating this series was to help boost children's basic knowledge of the Bible,” John added. “I can't think of anything more important for kids than to be exposed to God's truth as conveyed through His Word” which is exactly what is accomplished in the first two episodes of Bugtime Adventures.
In addition to a clear and direct biblical message, the series hosts a cast of colorful bugs, each with a well-developed character and a dynamic personality that makes the insect-world quite entertaining. The same characters are also brought to life on the series' interactive website, and throughout a 32-page comic book that compliments the first episode. The comic book is intended to encourage children to not only watch the videos but to also read through the stories. Additional games and activities are included as bonus features on each DVD.
“We want kids to come to Bugtime for the entertainment and fun but walk away with an increased understanding of the Bible stories including what happened, who the main characters were, and what they learned through their experiences,” John explained.
According to a press release, the series has been more than three years in the making and is designed for use during vacation Bible schools and by teachers, parents, and pastors. Bugtime-related products are also available in the Christian bookstore marketplace. So buzz on over to the local Christian bookstore and take your first step into an unforgettable bugtime adventure.
(Rebecca Grace, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is staff writer for AFA Journal, a monthly publication of the American Family Association. This article courtesy of Agape Press).