- Lack of Integrity
As a leader, it is critical to be intentional in my message – to have my words and actions in sync with my message, especially with kids. “Do as I say – not as I do” is not an option. A great leader is accountable.
As in my experience, opportunities to be leaders often catch us unawares. Recently, at an event, I witnessed college students screaming for their leader to join them while he was in mid conversation. Finally, one student grabbed him by the arm and pulled him away mid sentence. No, the place was not on fire and no one was dying – they wanted to take a picture! Since it didn’t happen at the time, I am hoping that later their leader was able to teach those “kids” that interruption of that sort is self serving, rude and disrespectful. For myself, I commit that if faced with a similar situation again, I will have the mettle not to worry about “offending” someone who is being offensive. I should’ve had the courage to say “You need to stop your lewd behavior because I for one do not want to witness it!”
The Bible tells us in Acts 20:28 “So keep watch over yourselves and over all the flock, which the Holy Spirit has placed in your care. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he made his own through the sacrificial death of his Son.”
When we bemoan the demise of morality in our society today, I believe we need to question our own contribution to that demise. Whether we lead from pulpit, pen or parliament, we “leaders” have been blessed with the priceless gift of “followers” and burdened with the responsibility of affecting change. I pray we realize that we have the capacity to influence lives.