A Prayer for Those Who Help With and Like Jake

Okay, Jake was just a trained canine . . .

. . . who worked in hot debris at the Sept.11 WTC site

. . . who worked in the Hurricane Katrina debris.

. . . in both cases in desperate search for survivors.

And . . .

. . . who helped train other rescue canines.

. . . who helped with therapy with burn-victim children.

. . . who helped with therapy in senior-citizen homes and hospitals.

Jake was put down due to cancer.

Frankly, I should be a quarter the hero this dog was. Thank we all our God that even His dogs can give us such courageous effort and lessons. Thank God for those who take the time and all to give us these blessings on four legs.

And, pace Augustine, Aquinas, etc., et al, I dare any to tell me that Jake isn’t given heaven. . . . Come to think of it, don’t bother – my mind (and heart) were made up about the grace-filled importance of human-devoted animals long ago, asnwering the questions of a six-year-old. To my thoughts, through us, redemption gives them salvation in our salvation.


Sixty-two years old in a young way - I'm a Grandpa! - long a widower and for too short a time a child of God who attends to Christ and His Church. CE has given me information, but, more importantly, helped me find ways to voice my thoughts. My primary listeners are Christ, Who accepts so much as prayer, and myself, who is still but a catechumen in so many ways. And, you know how you need prayer? Well, I need prayer many times more than you. And, when you do pray for me, the Lord listens and responds. Enough about me - let's talk about Jesus.

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