A Parental Advisory

Hoosier Jen J. seems respectable enough. Her name appears in an Internet 2006 Guide to the Indiana General Assembly as a contact person. She writes serious editorial pieces for reputable Indiana newspapers, and she holds a bachelor of fine arts degree from a well-regarded university. She is young and articulate, and some would say pretty. But Jen has another side. She insists she has a wife. She is project contributor for the Bilerico Project, which is self-described as ‘daily experiments in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender’ issues. She splatters radical, anti-religious propaganda on various homosexual blog sites. There she slams Catholic beliefs peppering a sentence with profanity. Perhaps scariest of all, however, is the fact that Jen is currently Director of Advocacy for Planned Parenthood of Indiana. Her full-time job is to influence our children.

Jen’s agenda seems to reflect Planned Parenthood’s in general. A quick perusal of Indiana Planned Parenthood’s website shows strong ties to Indiana University’s infamous Kinsey Institute where critics legitimately have accused Alfred Kinsey of child molestation and abuse, and where Kinsey notoriously normalized and mainstreamed homosexuality and homosexual behavior using pedophiles as supposedly legitimate researchers. Across Indiana, Planned Parenthood joins arms with the Kinsey Institute to promote their mutual plan — sex of any kind, for any age, with anybody, without guilt.

This year, a fundraiser for Indiana Planned Parenthood will commence at the Westin Hotel in Indianapolis. Called “Gathering of Gods and Goddesses”, the fundraiser invites participants to experience wine, revelry, massages and…psychic readings. Does anyone else find it totally consistent that occult dabbling is linked to this organization?

In early June of this year, Planned Parenthood will sponsor its annual Sexual Attitude Reassessment retreat at Waycross Episcopal Conference Center in Morgantown, IN near Indianapolis. According to its promotional website “participants will be exposed to a wide spectrum of images of sexual behavior…” I can’t write more specifically because of my modest upbringing, but let’s just say that the topics include some which I, a married woman for 21 years, never knew existed.

Sexually explicit videos will be utilized, and the website notes that there will be “long breaks for relaxation including…personal exploration activities…and long, winding woodland trails…”  Oh, did I mention it’s the same place where, a week later, there will be Adventure Camps for youth ages 8-15? Young adults are encouraged to attend this retreat. How do I know? The website states college students get a 15% discount and can earn college credit through Indiana University.

Speaking of college kids, the Kinsey Institute has created a blog just for them (and advertises that Planned Parenthood is giving away free birth control. It recommends students pick some up on their way to spring break). There’s a link to the “Kinsey Art Gallery” on the blog, which contains everything you might imagine it would. These are the people who want to “educate” our children. In fact, they’ve so convinced the public that they’re legitimate that even the American Academy of  Pediatrics, Indiana chapter, has pledged its support of Planned Parenthood’s ‘Get Real’ campaign, which states, among other things that “Comprehensive sex education is absolutely necessary for our youth.” And this is just what is happening in my state of Indiana, a Midwest and supposedly conservative state, you might have thought. You might want to check what’s happening in yours.

So what is going on? Apparently, nothing new. STOPP International, an arm of the American Life League, has been warning parents of the dangerous agenda of Planned Parenthood for years, but many parents have been lulled into complacency, thinking “Not here. Not my kids. They can’t reach them.” Oh really?

A young teenage girl recently confided to me that she personally knows four girls in her grade who have had abortions this year. FOUR. In one year. In one grade. In a Catholic school. If we are merely putting a couple extra dollars in the second collection basket on Sunday for the local pregnancy help center, or attending a once-a-year Right to Life dinner, we are simply not doing enough to keep our children safe, let alone eliminate abortion and protect women and children’s lives. There are thriving abortion clinics all over this country. And all you have to do is go online to read Planned Parenthood’s website to see their scary detailed plan to woo your child to themselves.

Hey, you don’t even have to go online to find Planned Parenthood’s influence. I pass a sleek, attractive PP billboard every time I take my girls to ballet. “Take Care of Yourself” it says in large print, next to an attractive girl. The small print coos, “Talk to us in confidence. With Confidence.” Do you know what Planned Parenthood is really saying? “We will help you be sexually active. We will procure drugs for you to take to prevent pregnancy. (Who cares what side effect this will have on your growing body?) And if you become pregnant, we will help you take care of that too. Your parents don’t have to know.” (But they will have to deal with the aftermath of your likely depression, stress, regret and diminished self-esteem, not to mention wounded body and spirit.)

So, let’s get back to Jen J. She’s tirelessly spending her time and energy writing articles, creating plans, lobbying for homosexual and abortion “rights” and an anything goes mentality. She spends her days strategizing how to reach our children. What are we doing? And is it enough?  

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