A Final Plea for Help

Sorry to say, we’re about to wrap up our spring fundraising campaign, and we’ve come up short the amount we need to raise.

That’s a problem. But it’s one you can fix, I hope. And pray.

If today you can make your gift – either a generous one-time donation or a small monthly recurring gift – we may be able to ride out this next half of the year uninterrupted.

We hope to continue to offer the highest quality, inspiring, life-enhancing content we’re known for here at Catholic Exchange. Here’s where we want to focus – on our mission and message, not on fundraising.

You realize we’re more than a website. We’re a community. We’re there with you and for you.

Beyond the articles on our site or in your inbox, Catholic Exchange has a presence across the internet, from YouTube videos to social media posts to our weekly podcasts. We invite you to read, listen and ponder, and also to comment, like, and share. And you do!

We are where you are, no matter your parish or diocese. Wherever you are finding joy, or sorrow, or mystery, Catholic Exchange meets you with our mission “to enable all to be enriched and strengthened in their Christian faith as proclaimed by the Catholic Church.”

You may feel supported in your family and faith community. Or you may feel disconnected.  We’re here to remind you that you are not alone – that Christ is there for you, in His body, the Church, as close as the next breath, as near as the prayer you lift, wordlessly, from your heart.

The message of hope that pours forth in our content, from our talented spiritual writers and speakers, is one that needs the widest possible audience.

The last thing we want to do is put this content behind a paywall.

Will you please help us continue as the apostolate we were created to be by supporting us with your gift today? 

Would you make a monthly gift of $10 so that you can continue to receive our content and so can everyone, regardless of their ability to pay?

Monthly donations are so very helpful for our ongoing operations: With them we know what we  can count on as we fund our costs of online hosting fees, writer stipends, office equipment, staff, and more.

Regular donations, even small ones, add up to be quite meaningful. We survive and thrive on many such smaller donations. This is our community!

Your monthly gift would make you a very valuable member of the community, which includes many who are unable to help financially. You would be a partner with us in enriching souls the world over who are looking to learn and grow in their faith.

In case you didn’t know, our readership includes people from all over the world looking to grow in their Catholic faith, including:  the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, the Philippines, and India.

You might also be interested to know that it’s not just our new content that nourishes the faithful. Because of our deep history, we have a substantial archive that people access via search engines when they have questions about the Faith.

Most weeks our data shows some 40,000 people accessing our archived articles for answers to questions on prayer, Marian theology, Catholic teaching on sexuality, and other topics.

So please do make us a part of your charitable giving. And pray that the words we send forth with such dedication will continue bearing fruit and accomplishing what God pleases.

Please be a part – please help us finish the race this season with all that we need to keep going.  Your gift may well be what gets us across the finish line. 

Donate HERE

Yours in Christ,

Kristen Van Uden


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Catholic Exchange seeks to enable all to be enriched and strengthened in their Christian faith as proclaimed by the Catholic Church. By offering accessible articles and helpful tools for spiritual growth, we seek to make saints in our own time — especially among those who live busy lives but still seek to grow in friendship with Christ.

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