43 Things to do

With New Year's Day around the corner, it's a good time to think about goals. There's been a rash of books published in the past few years about "Things to Do Before You Die" including "1000 Places to See Before You Die" and "101 Things to Buy Before You Die." (This trend started with a book by a Catholic nun, who, sadly, also published a book on "Spells and Blessings." Please pray for her.)

Now there's a website to help you develop your "to-do" list. It's called 43 Things, and after setting up a free account, you can build a list of goals, check them off when they're accomplished, and see how many other people have the same goal.

Not all the goals listed are noble or even moral, but there are a number of worthy goals that a people on the site are striving for, including "be a better Catholic" (50 people), "attend daily Mass" (10 people), "go to Confession" (20 people), and "read the entire Bible " (1114 people).

For anyone who wants to read the Bible in a year, there's an Catholic online guide here.


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