The purpose of the Year of Faith is for us to better understand and grow in our, um, faith.
There are many ways to do that. My two favorites:
1. Sign up with Flocknote to read the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church in oe year. They make this painless by emailing you the daily passage, and so far, (day seven) it looks like these are pretty short. Around ten paragraphs per day. Many of us prefer to read from the book rather than off the screen, so we just look at the numbers that Flocknote assigns, and read them comfortably from our hard copy of the CCC.
2. For anyone who does not already do the Office of Readings as part of their daily Liturgy of the Hours, I’d urge you to observe the year of faith by just reading the second reading each day. Use the free ibreviary or universalis apps or websites. They also have an app for phones and tablets. This second reading alone will give you the magnificent panorama of the Catholic faith as believed from the earliest centuries. The continuity will amaze you.
3.Read The Documents of Vatican II. The Year of Faith commemorates the anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. Clear your mind of whatever popular chatter tells us was the result of “Vatican II” , and find out what this council actually taught. You may be surprised. Here’s the link to get them on Kindle.