Homily of the Day

The Gospel reading reminds us that to be Christian is not a matter of obeying rules and regulations. Christianity is not just a religion in the traditional sense of the word but a way of life, a way of conversion.

A Christian can never say that he has arrived, that he is already perfect. If we are truthful to ourselves, we will always realize that we are still aiming for what St. Paul says, “I do not believe I have already reached my goal, nor do I consider myself perfect, but I press on till I conquer Christ Jesus, as I have been conquered by him.” (Phil 3:12)

All the saints say the same thing: that they are far from the holiness of God. This attitude makes us vigilant always and not proud or presumptuous. God loves a humble heart, a heart that continues to love him. We must never tire of doing what is good and bringing others to the knowledge and love of God.

The Christian is a missionary at heart, meaning that each Christian is an instrument for bringing others to the knowledge of God. The Christian is always going towards others, always in motion, in a “holy tension,” bringing and sharing the Good News of salvation to others.