Jesus’ religious life revolved around the Word of God. Throughout his childhood and adolescence, Joseph must have brought him to the synagogue aside from talking to him daily about the God of the Old Testament. He learned the Scriptures by heart as evidenced in the numerous times he quoted the Scriptures. In the Gospel, he is invited by the director of the synagogue to read a passage from the book of Isaiah and to expound on it. This he does gracefully and effortlessly, thereby gaining the approval of his listeners.
Why did Jesus find it easy to expound on the Word of God? Because all his life he was told about the Father by his parents Joseph and Mary. For them, to transmit their faith in Yahweh God to Jesus was of utmost importance. Most parents nowadays do the opposite. They hardly mention the name of God and instead talk to their children about work, money, success, practicality, etc. They even transmit beliefs that are contrary to the Gospel. Some of them live immoral lives thereby providing bad examples to their children. No wonder a culture of death – abortion, corruption, cheating, immorality, etc. – pervades our society right now. If the parents have no faith, what will happen to their children?
We are called to be like Jesus and proclaim the Word of God. But we must first study it from our youth and truly make it our priority in life. In the first reading, St. John says that in order to overcome the world with all its temptations and deceptions, we must have faith and love. And the best way to attain them is by reading and listening to God’s Word.