Women Paid to Carry Baby to 12 Weeks before “Harvesting” for Beauty Treatments

The ancient quest of fashionable women to stave off the effects of age has always left them open to the claims of swindlers. The latest edition of the snake oil chronicles, according to the UK’s Daily Mail, has a more “scientific” cachet and involves injecting stem cells gleaned from aborted babies as well as umbilical cord blood directly into the skin.

Scores of British women are opting for a procedure that stem cell experts are condemning as charlatanry. A private British clinic makes arrangements for well-to-do English women to travel to Rotterdam in the Netherlands for the treatment, which is as yet illegal in the UK. Treatment centers can be found online, the Mail reveals, offering “aesthetic stem cell treatments” for between $285 to $38,000.

The Daily Mail, however, only mentions the use of umbilical cord stem cells in these treatments and describes this as “barbaric,” while the paper’s editorial policy is in full support of abortion and embryonic stem cell research. The Mail conflates the debate on stem cells calling all stem cell research “controversial,” including ethically unproblematic and medically successful umbilical cord stem cell treatments.

Under the headline, “A Barbaric Kind of Beauty,” the Mail’s Andrea Thompson writes, “In America, President Bush has denounced stem-cell therapy even for medical purposes as 'godless', vetoing any public funding.” Bush, however, along with the pro-life community, has condemned only that stem cell research that results in the death of human beings at the embryonic stage of life.

While the Daily Mail misrepresents the nature of the stem cell debate, a US group has found the real barbarism. Concerned Women for America has discovered that the practice of abortion being used to provide tissue for beauty treatments in such exclusive clinics is widespread.

Concerned Women for America says that poor women are being paid up to $200 dollars to have their unborn children killed between 8 and 12 weeks gestation when the fetuses are “harvested” for their stem cells, which are then sold to exclusive cosmetic clinics.

Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse, Senior Fellow of CWA’s Beverly LaHaye Institute, said “It is hard to believe that such atrocities are going on today. These exclusive and exorbitant treatments are available in such varied locales as Barbados, Moscow, Dominican Republic and in Rotterdam.”

“Not only is the origin of the fetuses immoral and inhumane; there are medical problems and complications associated with the injections. This savage and repulsive ‘brave new world’ of human sacrifices in the quest for eternal youth is a prime example of the end results when all moral boundaries are destroyed,” said Crouse.

(This article courtesy of LifeSiteNews.com.)

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