James 1:5
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously and without reproaching, and it will be given him.
In most stories, the path to Wisdom lies through the performance of Seven Herculean Feats or by climbing the Nine Mystic Mountains of Zug and finding the Hidden Fleece of the Ram of All Knowledge. The idea is always that wisdom is only attainable through tremendous struggle. In contrast, the way to wisdom in Scripture is almost anticlimactic. Want wisdom? Ask God for it. Period. To be sure, there are a couple of minor caveats such as "Don’t ask out of selfish motives," but that's about it. What stands out is the amazing ease and lavish generosity with which wisdom is given by God. Today, ask God for the riches of wisdom and insight that are ours through Christ Jesus.