There've been written many verses
About God's best and what the worst is
Heaven's doorway out of hell
To God's eternal wealth
Never trust in what you do
But only in God's grace toward you
Treasures come and then they go
When ill fated winds shall blow
Earthly gold can be so fleeting
A lesson yet that bears repeating
Sanctuaries built to us
In which we often put our trust
Built of bricks and cedar wood
In our suburban neighborhoods
On our recliners we're enthroned
A compact kingdom of our own
We barely know who lives next door
What, we wonder, is love for
If not to serve our selfish need
Within our kingdom built on greed
If God should strip our wealth away
Who my friend would watch and pray
If ours becomes a humbled land
Who will choose to show love's hand
[Tom Green has been a prolific writer of Christian poetry since 1989, after a "Road to Damascus" conversion experience. I will be presenting some of his poetry over the next couple of weeks on the poetry channel. This is what Tom says about his poems: "I wrote three poems about 9-11 before it happened. I did not know what they were at the time I wrote them but as I uncovered each I fully understood. In addition I will share a poem I wrote in May of 2000 that pertains to the Gulf Coast disaster of 2005." Stay tuned.]