Where has the Innocence Gone?

Shopping is, perhaps, one of my least favorite things to do. Dressing rooms. Long lines, rude customer service. You name it, I can't stand it.  Shopping online, however, has put a new spin on things, but alas, sometimes, it's necessary to physically go shopping.

The other day I was in a department store looking for something for my friend's new baby. After I found a cute baby outfit, I figured since I was already in a department store I should pick something up for my little cousin. She's an incredibly precocious six-year-old with a keen sense of what is right and wrong, and she's very hip. So, I meandered over to the little girls section. What I saw horrified me.
I was absolutely appalled and disgusted by what I beheld: low-cut tops, halter dresses, mini-skirts, low-rider jeans, and perhaps the most offensive, thong underwear. These "clothes" were made for little girls like my sweet little cousin and thousands of other children. I stood with my jaw gaping wide open in disbelief. I shut my eyes for a moment hoping that when I opened my eyes again it would vanish. It did not. "What the hell?" I said each word slowly and carefully.

Hell, is right. What I saw before me was hellish. Incredibly satanic. You might think I am being melodramatic, but think carefully.
What is going on? Why do six- and seven- year olds need to look "sexy?" This is sick, yet it marks the very reality that we are living in.  Satan must be reveling in this distortion and perversion of innocence. Apparently the sexualizing of children and teens is not a new phenomenon. I was told recently that this is old news. Should I be surprised? Perhaps, not. But angry, yes.

What are children going to learn? Is it any surprise that many youths are involved in sexual activity?

I was lamenting this to a father of a five year-old girl, who told me how hard it was to find a one-piece bathing suit for his daughter this past summer. While some parents are blithely indifferent to this type of attire, he said he was alarmed. These types of clothes do not allow children the opportunity to learn about chastity and modesty.

Modesty is something that needs to be taught from an early age, otherwise it will be difficult to grasp. It would be asinine to expect a child to understand these concepts if they are given indecent clothes. Call it fashion, call it a fad, give it any name to try and justify it, but in the end it's horrifying and must be stopped.

As I walked out of the store and sat in my car with a heavy heart, I thought to myself. I just don't understand. I just don't get it. Why? What kind of world am I living in? The clothes that I saw that day quickly brought me back to the reality I'm living in.

It is a disgrace and is offensive – offensive to the children wearing them and offensive to the Creator of these children.

During her apparition to Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco in Fatima, the Blessed Mother warned that "Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lord very much." She was right.

Girls (young and old alike) need to be told that they are beautiful and they don't need "sexy" clothes to be beautiful or desirable. We need to tell our girls they are beautiful princesses of the great King who wants nothing more than their total happiness. They need to know they are loved unconditionally by their Creator and dressing immodestly will neither bring happiness nor love.

Please join me in writing letters to the stores that sell such outrageous attire for children and plead with them not to carry such merchandise.

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