Yesterday John Paul II received members from the American Jewish Committee and, during brief remarks, recalled their previous visit in 1985 on the twentieth anniversary of the Conciliar Declaration, Nostra Aetate, which “has so significantly contributed to the strengthening of Jewish-Catholic relations.”
“As we now approach the fortieth anniversary of this historic document,” the pope went on to say, “there is regrettably a great need to repeat our utter condemnation of racism and anti-semitism. Violence in the name of religion is always a desecration to religion. Countering this alarming trend requires that together we stress the importance of religious education which promotes respect and love towards others.”
“In these days our attention remains drawn to the Holy Land which continues to be afflicted by violence and suffering. He concluded by saying: “It is my fervent prayer that a just solution will be found which respects the rights and security of both Israelis and Palestinians.”