“The harvest is plentiful … but the laborers are few” (Mt. 9:37)
Lord, Jesus
you chose the Virgin Mary to be your mother
and gave her to be the mother of us all.
By the help of here prayers,
and through the intercession of San Diego de Alcala,
I beg you for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit
upon all of us called to be your disciples
and members of your church.
Bless us to be obedient servants,
as you were obedient
in loving response to the Father's love.
Bless us to be like you in prayer and sacrifice
for each other and for all our brothers and sisters.
Bless us with happy marriages and holy families,
with bishops, religious, deacons and priests
to image your presence among us,
and with dedicated lay people,
both married and single,
to be signs of your love for the world.
Bless us to be good stewards of your gifts to us,
and to continue the work you began:
a mission in behalf of communion,
in truth, love and mercy.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,
now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.