Today — perhaps in an eleventh hour answer to prayer for the unborn – Bishop Rene H. Gracida has released a stunning radio ad concerning Catholics voting for Barack Obama. His ad is recorded in English and Spanish.
Bishop Gracida boldly states:
“This is Bishop Rene H. Gracida, reminding all Catholics that they must vote in this election with an informed conscience. A Catholic cannot be said to have voted in this election with a good conscience if they have voted for a pro-abortion candidate. Barack Hussein Obama is a pro-abortion candidate.”
The commercial can be heard in English and Spanish at
Bishop Gracida has offered this radio spot without charge for all who want to use it. All faithful Catholics are invited to download the mp3 file, and place this ad on their local radio station(s).
They must simply contact their local radio station (s), and pay for the ad as an “independent expenditure.” The station can download the audio file to play on the radio. The mp3 file is also available at
Moreover, permission is granted for the ad to be downloaded, sent as a file, or posted on any web site in America.
If this ad receives the airplay it deserves, it could sink Obama’s campaign by jolting Catholic voters back to their senses and moorings. Over 50% of Catholic voters have been seduced into ethical quicksand by errant Catholics who are partisan supporters of Obama and have betrayed the lives of innocent unborn children.