U.N. Responsible for Grisly Abortion Disposal Devices Say Spanish Pro-Lifers

The grisly revelations made recently in the Spanish media, of eight month old unborn children illegally aborted and ground up in powerful disposal units, should ultimately be blamed on the United Nations, according to Manuel Cruz, director of the Spanish Life Foundation.

"The disposal units encountered in the abortuaries of the Spanish city of Barcelona and the ground up human remains of fetuses is a consequence of the 'hidden strategy' begun in 1996, in the New York area of Glen Cove," says Manuel Cruz in an article published on the organization's website.

"This integral strategy to spread the 'right to abortion on demand' arose at that time, promoted by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Human Rights High Commission and several other organizations.  From there proceeds the ground up remains and the fetus grinders, together with the acceptance of the majority of Spanish society," Cruz adds.

The Life Foundation accuses the very organizations charged with protecting human rights of collusion in the destruction of innocent human life, including Committee of the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the Committee of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Committee of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

"These oversight committees convinced the government signatories that the treaties weren't 'set in stone' but were 'living and changeable' documents, in such a way that existing human rights can be reinterpreted to include what they call the 'right to abortion'," says the organization.

The Life Foundation adds that the CEDAW "has pressured almost 60 countries to liberalize their abortion laws, and they continue to do so with greater intensity.  This week, without going further, the Third Commission of the General Assembly of the United Nations approved a resolutuon to increase their budget by 9.3 million Euros."

Previous LifeSiteNews Coverage:

Late Term Abortionist Arrested by Spain's Police

Vatican Refuses to Sign UN Disabilities Rights Treaty over Pro-Abortion Language

Global Abortion Rights Being Pushed for in United Nations Treaty on Rights of Disabled

United Nations Tells Ethiopia to Decriminalize Abortion

Maltese Prime Minister and Bishop's Conference Reject United Nations Abortion Push

United Nations Now Pushes Chile and Malta to Legalize Abortion

United Nations Tells Morocco to Decriminalize Abortion

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