U.K. Homosexualist Group: Public Sex is an Important Part of Gay Community

OutRage!, a militant U.K. homosexual ‘rights’ group, is insisting that homosexual sex in public places, a practice known as ‘cruising,’ should be tolerated by police. According to PinkNews.com, a U.K. homosexual news source, the group has said that cruising is “an important part of the gay community and cannot be ignored,” in the words of the reporter.

The canal area in Manchester has long been a popular spot for cruising, but PinkNews reports that the area has been built up, resulting in more complaints from local people.  In response, the Manchester police have begun patrolling the area more diligently, and potential ‘cruisers’ are being warned that they could face arrest.

OutRage! is calling for a “sensible, long-term and fair approach” to the issue, recommending tolerated ‘cruising areas.’

“The area that we’re talking about, cruising is tolerated unofficially,” OutRage! member David Henry told PinkNews. “But there is quite a lot of anger in the gay community about how it’s being handled.”

He claims that homosexuals have been “victimised and singled out,” attributing police actions to “homophobia.”

“We’d like other agencies such as the police and council to get behind this concept [of tolerated gay cruising areas],” he said.  “There are other places, such as Brighton and Blackpool, possibly also Liverpool, where this is in place.”

Henry admitted that ‘cruising areas’ are more inviting to married men and others who are not openly homosexual, but said this is not the case “as much as it used to be in the past.”

Public homosexual sex is a routine practice in the U.K., with homosexuals meeting in a variety of places, such as bus stations or airports.  While OutRage! maintains that the law does not specifically condemn public sex, such acts are, in fact, covered by public decency laws.

Nevertheless, U.K. police have often not enforced the law, yielding to pressure from homosexualists.  In fact, a draft of guidelines for U.K. police proposed last year stated specifically that police should not impede public homosexual activity, complaining that such interventions had alienated homosexuals, and advocating respect for the “human rights of those people who frequent open spaces.”

See related LifeSiteNews.com coverage:

UK Police Instructed Not to Interfere with the “Human Right” of Anonymous Public Sex

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